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Lyle Laverty, Gerald W. Williams
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Hot Topic(s):
Fire Ecology
Fire Policy & Law
Fire & Economics
Recovery after fire
Wildland Firefighter Health

NRFSN number: 11223
FRAMES RCS number: 11377
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This strategy is based on the premise that sustainable resources are predicated on healthy, resilient ecosystems. In fire-adapted ecosystems, some measure of fire use-at appropriate intensity, frequency, and time of year-should be included in management strategies intended to protect and sustain watersheds, species, and other natural resources over the long term. The strategy is also based on the premise that, within fire-adapted ecosystems, fire maintained forests and grasslands are inherently safer for firefighters and the public than ecosystems in which fire is excluded. The strategy establishes a framework that restores and maintains ecosystem health in fire-adapted ecosystems for priority areas across the interior West. In accomplishing this, it is intended to: improve the resilience and sustainability of forests and grasslands at risk, conserve priority watersheds, species and biodiversity, reduce wildland fire costs, losses, and damages, and better ensure public and firefighter safety.


Laverty, Lyle; Williams, Jerry. 2000. Protecting people and sustaining resources in fire-adapted ecosystems: a cohesive strategy. The Forest Service Management Response to the General Accounting Office Report GAO/RCED-99-65. 85 p.