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Kerry Anderson of the Canadian Forest Service, begins this presentation on the current fire research in Canada. The Canadian Forest Service provides national monitoring, model and software development, mapping, and decision support systems, but is not in the business of fire suppression, since natural resources are owned by the provinces, not the Canadian government. The Canadian Wildland Fire Strategy (CWFS) was developed from a collaboration with the provinces and the Canadian government. The six outputs from the CWFS are the Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS), an enhanced Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS), an assessment of wildland fire impacts on the Canadian forest and WUI, strategic coordination of wildland fire science and management in Canada, wildland fire hazard mitigation options, and the effects of climate change on wildland fire. The different models and predictive applications such as CWFIS, PFAS, Bigfoot, Burn-P3, Pandora, Pegasus, and FIRETEC are discussed in more detail. Dan Perrakis of the British Columbia Ministry of Forests, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations, presents the second part of this presentation, titled, BC Fire Science and Research priorities 2011-2012. The Province of British Columbia's Forest Service was always strictly a suppression organization, but is currently looking to go in a whole new direction. They are looking to implement this new direction by using fire behavior prediction tools for more modified response and partnering with universities and the Canadian Forest Service to build a strong fire ecology focus and to restore fire to the landscape. This presentation was given at the 2011 Alaska Fire Science Workshop in Fairbanks, Alaska, on October 6, 2011.

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Media Record Details

Oct 6, 2011
Kerry R. Anderson, Daniel D. B. Perrakis

Cataloging Information

Fire Behavior
Fire Prediction

NRFSN number: 14137
FRAMES RCS number: 11218
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