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This event was designed to create dialogue among managers and scientists and opportunities to learn how science can inform our understanding of reburn characteristics, fire effects, fire behavior, and impacts of climate change on fire and vegetation dynamics. For background information and resources, visit the 2015 Fire History and Fire Ecology in Yellowstone Field Tour page.

Background - The lightning-caused Maple Fire was reported August 8, 2016 and it burned in the footprint of the 1988 North Fork Fire. The Maple Fire burned until late October and reached 51,555 acres. 

Topics discussed - Managing and making decisions for a long-duration fire | Fire behavior modeling and predictions | Communicating with the public about fire | Climate change and fire | Regional and local patterns of burn severity, tree regeneration, and carbon storage | Variability in fire effects in lodgepole pine stands | Possible effects of climate change on burn severity and regeneration patterns | Landscape patterns of burn severity and spatial interactions of sequential fires

Presenters included  -

Diane Abendroth, Fire Ecologist, Teton Interagency Fire
John Cataldo, Fire Management Officer, Yellowstone National park
Brian Harvey, Assistant Professor, School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington
Becky Smith, Fire Ecologist, Yellowstone National Park
Monica Turner, Professor, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Morgan Warthin, Public Affairs Specialist, Yellowstone National Park

Resources - An abundance of materials were referenced and discussed during this field tour, and most of them are provided below.

Presentation Slides (Day 1) - 

Learn more about reburns of 1988 fires in Yellowstone and in Grand Teton National Park: 

Overview Publications

Postfire Stand Structure and Function, and Plant Community Composition (recent)

Fuels in the 25-year-old Postfire Forests

Landscape Patterns of Burn Severity

Forest Resilience and Future Forests in Yellowstone



Presenter(s): Monica G. Turner, Brian J. Harvey

Event Details

Oct 16 2018, 10am - 8pm

Oct 17 2018, 8:30am - 4:30pm
Presenter(s): Diane Abendroth, Brian J. Harvey