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Plant ID at the STN Food Sov Garden_compressed.jpg

The Northern Rockies Fire Science Network (NRFSN) works in the ancestral territories of Tribal Nations in the Rocky Mountains, where lands far beyond reservation boundaries are important for cultural practices and ceremonies. Since time immemorial, Tribal communities have used fire to enhance valued resources and ecosystems. However, there are many challenges to managing fire for tribal resources, especially across jurisdictions. The resources on this page address the various aspects of integrating traditional and western knowledge to manage wildland fire and fuels.

The NRFSN strives to promote communication, collaboration, and shared learning in the larger wildland fire community to support tribal land managers in co-managing these ecosystems for generations to come. We urge those interested in the Northern Rockies to take time to learn about the history, treaties, and culture of the Tribes within the area where you live, work, or visit.

This hot topic was developed in partnership with the Rocky Mountain Research Station, the Pacific Southwest Research Station, and the Pacific Northwest Region of the USDA Forest Service.

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