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Each year the Northern Rockies Fire Science Network (NRFSN) provides the Joint Fire Science Program with a report summarizing its activities and achievements, and three Impact Statements that describe activities around topics of focus.

FY2022 Annual Report Summary

2022 NRFSN Membership


In FY22, NRFSN membership grew to over 1,500 members from

federal, tribal, and state land management agencies, research institutions, private organizations, NGOs, and local governments.

We engaged with these members through field trips, workshops, webinars, written products, online resources, social media, and conferences.

Participants on 2022 NRFSN Field Trip

Participants on 2022 NRFSN field trip.

Making Science Accessible

We worked to make science accessible through these online resources:

Presentations and Virtual Exhibits

NRFSN staff displayed exhibits and/or presented at these events:

  • Whitebark Pine Science and Management Meeting
  • International Association of Wildland Fire Human Dimensions Conference
  • Association for Fire Ecology Congress
  • Conference on the Science and Management of High Elevation Five Needle Pines

Past Annual Reports are available: FY 2021 • FY 2020FY 2019FY 2018FY 2017FY 2016FY 2015FY 2014 • FY 2013 • FY 2012