Celebrate the new year with our first newsletter of 2025! Check out info on a screening of the new documentary from University of Montana "The Fire Problem" and lots of great info on other upcoming events, news from the region, and opportunities.
A new November 2024 edition of our Traditional Knowledge & Fire newsletter is out now, full of resources, upcoming events, and more! Also check out the collection of resources on ethics and protocols for those looking to work with Tribes on projects and research.
Developed in collaboration with the USFS RMRS, our Risk Informed Wildfire Management page contains resources looking at how managers can approach the delicate balance between wildfire as a natural process, risk to property and values on the landscape, and risk to firefighters and resources.
Read our latest research brief, produced with the Rocky Mountain Research Station: "Connected Science - How Effective Are Landscape Scale Fuel Treatments?"
Check out the resources on our Wildland Firefighter Health Hot Topic page.