Post-fire vegetation recovery is a growing field of concern as larger wildfires impact more of the landscape and climate has the potential to influence how these ecosystems respond. In forested ecosystems, a primary topic of vegetation recovery is tree regeneration. Numerous researchers have examined where natural tree regeneration is prolific and where there is little or no tree regeneration, as well as the causes of these observed patterns. Understanding the patterns of natural tree regeneration can have large impacts on how and where managers prioritize post-fire management actions.
The resources contained here represent the most recent and applicable publications and media on this topic.
This hot topic was developed in partnership with the University of Idaho.
Recorded Webinars
Research Briefs
- Short-interval high severity reburns change the playing field for forest recovery
- Wildfire effects on microclimate conditions and tree regeneration in mixed conifer forests
- Effects of seed source pattern on post-fire tree recovery
- Climatic Controls on Post-fire Ponderosa Pine and Douglas-fir Regeneration and Growth
- Resources for Postfire Response: Empowering Land Managers with New After Fire Toolkit
Annotated Bibliographies
Technical Reports/White Papers
- Landscape evaluations and prescriptions for post-fire landscapes
- Assessing post-wildfire conifer regeneration: Validation of a non-destructive seedling aging method
- Vegetation succession in an old-growth ponderosa pine forest following structural restoration with fire: implications for retreatment and maintenance
- Post-fire tree regeneration and fuels across the Northern Rockies following large wildfires: science meta-analyses, scenarios and manager workshops
- Influence of past wildfires on wildfire effects in northern Rockies mixed-conifer forest
- Mixed-severity fire and salvage logging in dry forests of Oregon's western Cascades
- Interactions among climate, wildfire and tree regeneration at lower treeline in the U.S. Northern Rockies
- Miller Creek Demonstration Forest - A forest born of fire: a field guide
- Broadcast burning in larch-fir clearcuts: the Miller Creek-Newman Ridge study
Past Events
- Mar 22, 2021
- Sep 16, 2020
- Feb 18, 2020
- Oct 17, 2018
- Oct 16, 2018
- Jun 13, 2018
- Jun 12, 2018
- Jun 11, 2018
- Mar 7, 2018
- Mar 6, 2018
- Feb 23, 2018