This symposium will focus on the responses of Sierra Nevada forest organisms and ecosystems to increasing climate stresses. Talks and posters featuring either formal scientific studies, well-documented natural history observations, forest-adjacent ecosystems such as meadows and rivers are also welcome. The symposium is co-sponsered by The Sierra Nevada Research Institute and Western North American Naturalist.
Potential topics could include: - Influence of climate change on fire frequency, intensity, and/or species responses to fire - Effects of total precipitation vs. snow amount on vegetation and streamflow - Tree reproduction and seedling recruitment under changing conditions - Animal responses to increasing temperature and drought - Conservation genetics of keystone or rare Sierra Nevada species under climate change - Dispersal ability and connectivity between protected areas under climate change - Public understanding of climate change impacts on the Sierra Nevada mountains - Challenges in managing species/ecosystems under changing condition, or techniques for doing so- ....and many others!
Visit the UC Merced Sierra Nevada Research Institute web page for links to the schedule and registration.