The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country.
These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. SCIENCEx will typically be organized as week-long webinar ‘blitzes’ around salient topics, allowing for deep-dives into subtopics or dynamics within specific geographies.
Find more information and the link to join presentations.
SCIENCE x Water Schedule:
Monday, March 21 SCIENCE x Water: Forests and Water Supply
- The role of NFS lands in streamflow, presented by Charlie Luce
- From the Forest to the faucet- linking water from forested lands to water supplies across the conterminous United States, presented by Pete Caldwell
- Impact of afforestation on groundwater resources in the Mississippi Embayment, presented by Ying Ouyang
Tuesday, March 22 SCIENCE x Water: Forests and Water Quality
- Post fire water quality challenges, presented by Chuck Rhoades
- Climate, silviculture, and environmental policy influence water quality in the Central Appalachians, presented by Ben Rau
- Maintaining stream flow and function of Pacific Island streams, presented by Richard Mackenzie
Wednesday, March 23 SCIENCE x Water: Aquatic Life in the Balance
- High-resolution crowd sourced stream temperature scenarios and climate refuge delineations for aquatic species conservation planning, presented by Dan Isaak, Mike Young, and Mike Schwartz
- Methods for study of the restoration ecology of juvenile salmon and trout in the Pacific Northwest, presented by Carlos Polivka
- Disconnected riparian linkages: Consequences for aquatic organisms and management strategies, presented by Sue Eggert
Thursday, March 24 SCIENCE x Water: Restoring Hydrologic Systems
- Effects of extreme precipitation on hydrologic design of road culverts/bridges and stream crossings and their vulnerability assessments on US Forest Service lands, presented by Devendra Amatya
- Social principles for beaver restoration and their management applications, presented by Susan Charnley
- Restoring ecological function to montane meadows, presented by Karen Pope
Friday, March 25 SCIENCE x Water: The Shifting Water Balance
- Notes from underground: The hydrological underpinnings of drought response across California forests, presented by David Dralle
- Where’s water — now and in the future — in the Western US? Implications for forest management, presented by Gordon Grant
- Urban trees and saltwater flooding in coastal cities, presented by Rich Hallet
Presenter(s): David C. Shaw, Michelle Agne