From the Life With Fire website: "What are the benefits of prescribed burning? Why have wildfires gotten so severe lately? How can I help protect my home and community? Life With Fire podcast aims to answer these questions (and many others) while deepening our understanding of the critical role fire plays in America’s forests, lands and communities. Hosted by writer and former wildland firefighter Amanda Monthei, Life with Fire features interviews with everyone from scientists to fire management experts to Indigenous practitioners and folks doing the work on the ground. Through these interviews, Amanda hopes to explore our relationship with fire, as well as ways we can better coexist with it in the future."
In our sixth and final episode of the Fire in the Southwest Series—sponsored by the Southwest Fire Science Consortium and…
For our fifth episode of the the Fire in the Southwest Series, we’re talking managed wildfires, which has a number of alter…
If you've found yourself wondering "where the heck is the aircraft?" while watching a fire burn near you, this is the…
With fire season escalating across the West this week, many people are downloading Watch Duty App for the first time. But…
elcome to our third episode of our Fire in the Southwest series! In this episode, we spoke with Jon Martin, who is the…
Welcome to the first part of our six-episode series all about the Southwest, sponsored by the Southwest Fire Science…
The long-awaited beaver episode! In this episode, we learn about how beavers are not only champions of wildfire resilience…
Today's episode is a special one. We collaborated with the Montana Media Lab—a program of the University of…
In this episode, we had a chance to sit down with author John Vaillant, who published a new book last summer about the 2016…
In this episode, we spoke with Dr. Jessica McCarty—who is the Biospheric Sciences branch chief at NASA's Ames Research…
In our second Backbone Scholarship episode—sponsored by Mystery Ranch and the American WIldfire Experience—we chatted with…
Life with Fire Podcast, Mystery Ranch Backpacks and the American Wildfire Experience (AWE) have joined forces to bring you…
Marek Smith—the North America Fire Director for the Nature Conservancy and member of the Wildfire Commission—came on the…
The Wildfire Mitigation and Management Commission, established in 2022 at the behest of Congress following the 2021…
You've probably heard of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), but how about Traditional Ecological *Practices*? In this…
What can life after wildland firefighting look like? With the issues facing wildland firefighters these days (including but…
We'll be honest—we've been hoping to talk to Washington State Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz since the podcast's…
As indicated by the title of this episode, we covered some SERIOUS ground in our conversation with Dr. Natasha Stavros,…
In our second episode with Oregon Prescribed Fire Council founder Amanda Rau, we discuss how she has connected the dots…
This week's guest Amanda Rau has worked for nearly every fire-adjacent agency or organization that exists in the state of…
Hello again! After a hefty mid-winter break, Life with Fire is back with our first episode of 2023. This episode was…
In our third and final episode from the International Association of Wildland Fire conference in Edmonton, Alberta, we spoke…
You've probably heard of the Land Back movement, but an essential ingredient of Land Back initiatives will also be Fire Back…
We're in Canada at the International Association of Wildland Fire Conference this week, and will be pulling some folks aside…
In our final episode sponsored by Protect Our Winters, we explored the economics of wildfire (both it's suppression and it's…
In the fourth episode of our series sponsored by Protect our Winters, we spoke with self-proclaimed snow nerd Andrew…
Today we're talking trails! What do trails have to do with wildfire, you ask? Well, ask any trail builder that question and…
Welcome to the first episode of our four-part series discussing the impacts of wildfire on recreation, sponsored by Protect…
Listen—we know that prescribed fire liability insurance is a big, scary topic. But we encourage you to check out this…
How can Indigenous communities regain power over their long-honed land stewardship and cultural burning practices? How can…
Bobbie Scopa has had quite a long and storied fire career—she recently retired after 45 years working in both wildland and…
In the second half of our conversation with Jane Park, we spoke about some of the diversity initiatives that Jane has…
In our second episode of the Women in Wildfire series, we brought on Banff National Park Fire and Vegetation Management…
Episode Summary: There's a chance you've seen Nez Perce wildland firefighter and model Celilo Miles in a recent…
Episode Summary: The Mt. Adams Resource Stewards in Washington State is an excellent example of hyper-local solutions to…
Episode Summary: In the second half of their conversation, Michael Wara and Amanda briefly dive into the nitty gritty of…
Episode Summary: President Biden recently rolled out a plan to treat 50 million acres of land with fire over the next 10…
When smokejumper Tim Hart died from injuries sustained during a hard landing in New Mexico in May, his wife Michelle Hart…
We covered such a broad range of subjects with guest Phil Higuera in this episode that it was hard to nail down a title.…
This episode's guest, Sue Husari, went from pounding dirt as the first woman to work for the Lassen Hotshots in 1976 to an…
How will the infrastructure bill impact wildland firefighting and our overall fire resilience? We spoke with Riva Duncan—who…
In this episode, we explore one of the topics that is most requested by Life with Fire listeners—cultural burning. We spoke…
In this episode we speak with Sasha Berleman, who has a whole lot of irons in the...prescribed fire? Sasha has a doctorate…
After a bit of a fire-season-chaos break, we're back with an episode on probably our most requested topic—how wildfires…
Wildland firefighters are disproportionately affected by depression, anxiety, PTSD, suicide and other mental health…
Jeremy Bailey is a prescribed fire manager with the Nature Conservancy, and the brains behind the Prescribed Fire Training…