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Bruce A. Shindler, Christine Olsen, Sarah M. McCaffrey, Bonita McFarlane, Amy Christianson, Tara K. McGee, Allan Curtis, Emily Sharp
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Fire Communication & Education
Public Perspectives of Fire Management
Fire & Traditional Knowledge

NRFSN number: 12551
FRAMES RCS number: 16742
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This planning guide is the outcome of an international collaboration of researchers and practitioners/field managers working in communities at risk of wildfire in three countries. Initially, the team of social scientists from Australia, Canada, and the United States utilized the collective research literature to examine factors that influence stakeholder trust. A working draft of this document was shared with experienced agency personnel and community leaders previous to interactive workshops and field visits in each country. This allowed for deliberations of the essential features of building trust among parties. The discussions and contributions, as well as subsequent review, by workshop participants shaped this final document.


Shindler, B., C. Olsen, S. McCaffrey, B. McFarlane, A. Christianson, T. McGee, A. Curtis, and E. Sharp. 2014. Trust: a planning guide for wildfire agencies and practitioners—An international collaboration drawing on research and management experience in Australia, Canada, and the United States. A Joint Fire Science Program Research Publication. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

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