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George T. Cvetkovich, Patricia L. Winter
Year Published:
M. Siegrist, T. C. Earle, H. Gutshcer

Cataloging Information

Fire Communication & Education
Public Perspectives of Fire Management
Fire Policy & Law

NRFSN number: 132
FRAMES RCS number: 1469
Record updated:

A study of the relationship between public trust and management actions taken by the US Forest Service. This chapter focuses on an analysis of the definitions 'social reliance' and 'trust,' then applies them to various examples, one of which is the cooperative management of US National Forests.


Cvetkovich, G. T.; Winter, Patricia L. 2007. The what, how, and when of social reliance and cooperative risk management. In Siegrist, M.; Earle, T. C.; Gutshcer, H., eds. Trust in cooperative risk management: uncertainty and skepticism in the public mind. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd: 187-209.

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