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Dominick A. DellaSala, James R. Karr, Tania L. Schoennagel, David A. Perry, Reed F. Noss, David B. Lindenmayer, Robert L. Beschta, Richard L. Hutto, Mark E. Swanson, Jon Evans
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Post-fire Management
Salvage Logging

NRFSN number: 14599
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Recent controversy concerning post-fire logging in Oregon is emblematic of the problems of "salvage logging" globally. Although tree regenernation after disturbances in forested areas is important, a narrow view of this issue ignores important ecologial lessons, especially the role of disturbances in diversifying and rejuvenating landscapes.


DellaSala, D.A.; Karr, J.R.; Schoennagel, T.; Perry, D.; Noss, R.F.; Lindenmayer, D.; Beschta, R.; Hutto, R.L.; Swanson, M.E.; Evans, J. Post-fire logging debate ignores many issues. Science. 314(5796): 51-52.

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