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Year Published:
Bret W. Butler, Martin E. Alexander

Cataloging Information

Fire Communication & Education
Public Perspectives of Fire Management
Fire History
Human Dimensions of Fire Management
Human Factors of Firefighter Safety
Decisionmaking & Sensemaking
Organizational Learning & Innovation

NRFSN number: 15458
Record updated:

These files contain the proceedings and poster papers from the International Association of Wildland Fire's Wildland Fire Safety Summitâ„¢ held in Missoula, Montana April 26-28, 2005. These proceedings contain the papers as submitted by the authors. Except for some editing to try and instill a common format, these papers are as submitted by the authors and have not gone under any peer-review by the IAWF other that undertaken by the authors themselves prior to submittal. We have attempted to include Eighth International Wildland Fire Safety Summit, April 26-28, 2005 Missoula, MT. 5 as complete a collection as possible of records from previous safety summits.


Butler, Bret W. and Alexander, Martin E., eds. 2005. Eighth international wildland firefighter safety summit: 10 years later. April 26-28, 2005; Missoula, MT Hot springs, SD: The International Association of Wildland Fire. Available: [July 6, 2007].

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