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Richard Mangan
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Human Dimensions of Fire Management

NRFSN number: 15464
TTRS number: 15928
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From the text ... "This article discusses factors that are critical to both firefighters and fire managers in ensuring a safe and productive workforce. First, it discusses such items as the work environment, the firefighter workforce, physical fitness, nutrition, work/rest cycles, lifestyle choices, and job requirements. Next, it reviews firefighter illnesses, injuries, and fatalities, with the purpose of identifying mitigation measures for reducing and/or eliminating the risks from the fire environment. The mitigation measures suggested are applicable to firefighters at all organizational levels: Federal, State, rural, volunteer, and contractor."


Mangan, R. J. 2002. Injuries, illnesses, and fatalities among wildland firefighters. Fire Management Today, v. 62, no. 3, p. 36-40.

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