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Mohammad Sohrabi, Jae H. Ryu, John T. Abatzoglou, John Tracy
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Fire Behavior
Fire & Climate

NRFSN number: 15683
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To investigate consequences of climate extreme and variability on agriculture and regional water resource, twenty-seven climatic indices of temperature and precipitation over Idaho, USA, were computed. Precipitation, mean temperature and maximum temperature, self-calibrated Palmer Drought Index and Standardized Precipitation Index for 1-, 3-, 6- and 12-month time scales were used to identify spatial and temporal distribution of climatic extreme and variability as well as drought frequency and magnitude. Seven oceanic indices were also used to detect teleconnections between climatic indices and regional droughts. The analyses were conducted for 56 meteorological stations, during 1962–2008, characterized by a long-term and high-quality data set. The result indicates that decreasing trends and increasing trends are identified for precipitation and temperature, respectively. Consequently, it appears that frost and ice days dwindle as growing season (May–August) length, tropical nights and summer days increase. Given current climate conditions, the results also imply that these trends will continue in the future possibly driven by uncertain climate variability. We anticipate that these indices explained by teleconnections will improve drought-forecasting capability in this region.


Sohrabi MM, Ryu JH, Abatzoglou JT, Tracy J. 2012. Climate extremes and their linkage to regional drought over Idaho, USA. Natural Hazards 65, p. 653–681.
DOI 10.1007/s11069-012-0384-1.

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