The 2nd National Cohesive Strategy Workshop theme is: Making a Difference – Building Capacity, Improving Preparedness, and Learning From Experience.
The workshop will be innovative, constructive, and thought-provoking. It will bring together a wide range of interested and involved parties to discuss the Cohesive Strategy. It will be conducted under a traditional workshop structure where a neutral forum will allow and facilitate discussion, working sessions, brainstorming, and information dissemination about planning and implementation status, management treatments, policy, and latest relevant research findings.
The workshop will be resolute in its focus on building capacity in practitioners, improving preparedness to meet challenges, and to provide opportunities to learn from past experiences – both positive and negative experiences. It will be an opportunity for interested individuals to participate rather than only listen, to provide input, ask questions, and share important information. Attendees will be able to be active participants, not just passive listeners. It will blend science and experience into practices and processes and will fill an important gap that is not currently being filled.
The workshop will inspire collaborative interaction that can only be considered mission critical and operationally supportive for all individuals and organizations having an interest and role in making a difference in wildland fire management across the country. No other forum will offer the opportunities presented by this workshop.
Registration for the workshop is now open. The deadline for session/presentation proposal submission is December 4, 2017.
Visit the workshop webpage for more information.