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Gary Klein
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Human Dimensions of Fire Management
Decisionmaking & Sensemaking

NRFSN number: 16229
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Intuition is an important factor in decision making, equal to the roles of reading data and interpreting numbers. Klein defines intuition as “the way we translate our experiences into action”. Based upon his research, involving interviews with a number of life-and-death decision makers, Klein found that 90 percent of critical decisions are based upon intuition. This book discusses how intuition is not only a necessary skill, but a learnable one. Klein then offers advice on how to not only strengthen the skill of intuition, but how to apply it in the workplace. There are three main sections to this book covering first, how to build intuition, second, how to apply learned intuition, and third, how to maintain effective intuition decision making practices. Through its use of examples, practice scenarios, and exercises, this book is useful for managers, leaders, and individuals involved in a decision making process—particularly those who make decisions under extreme circumstances.


Klein G. 2003. Intuition at work. New York: Currency Books. 288 p.

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