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David B. Lindenmayer
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Post-fire Management
Salvage Logging

NRFSN number: 17454
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The increasing prevalence and/or increasing intensity of large-scale natural disturbance events in forests means that post-disturbance salvage logging is becoming more widespread. Salvage logging can have a wide range of environmental impacts, but some of these are not well known or not well understood by policy makers and natural resource managers. Some of these impacts are briefly summarized in this paper. Improved long-term forest planning needs to be embraced that takes into account the not only the environmental but also the social and environmental impacts of salvage harvesting. Past mistakes and future opportunities associated with salvage harvesting are illustrated by a case study from the Lower Cotter Catchment in south-eastern Australia.


Lindenmayer, D., 2006. Salvage harvesting–past lessons and future issues. The Forestry Chronicle, 82(1), pp.48-53.

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