Cataloging Information
Post-fire Management
Post-fire Rehabilitation
Erosion Control
This report presents a compilation of data on the erosive response, debris-flow initiation processes, basin morphology, burn severity, event-triggering rainfall, rock type, and soils for 608 basins recently burned by 53 fires located throughout the Western United States. The data presented here are a combination of those collected during our own field research and those reported in the literature. In some cases, data from a Geographic Information System (GIS) and Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) were used to supplement the data from the primary source. Due to gaps in the information available, not all parameters are characterized for all basins. This database provides a resource for researchers and land managers interested in examining relations between the runoff response of recently burned basins and their morphology, burn severity, soils and rock type, and triggering rainfall. The purpose of this compilation is to provide a single resource for future studies addressing problems associated with wildfire-related erosion. For example, data in this compilation have been used to develop a model for debris flow probability from recently burned basins using logistic multiple regression analysis (Cannon and others, 2004). This database provides a convenient starting point for other studies.
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