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Robin J. Innes
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Fire Effects

NRFSN number: 19932
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Wyoming big sagebrush is a widely distributed shrub that is native to the western United States. It occupies the largest area of the big sagebrush cover types. Wyoming big sagebrush ecosystems support hundreds of plant and animal species, including sage-grouse and many other sagebrush obligates, and Wyoming big sagebrush may be the single most important plant to sage-grouse. Its distribution has been reduced since European-American settlement, and it may become further reduced or altered by changes in fire regimes, spread of nonnative plants, conifer expansion, climate changes, and other factors. This review synthesizes the scientific literature on Wyoming big sagebrush biology and ecology throughout its distribution, with an emphasis on how fire affects it and how Wyoming big sagebrush communities respond after fire. (+more)


Innes, Robin J. 2019. Artemisia tridentata subsp. wyomingensis, Wyoming big sagebrush. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). Available: [2019, August 27].

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