LANDFIRE has just released an update that adds three new years of disturbances across the U.S. to its vegetation and fuels data layers. LANDFIRE 2019 Limited is one step toward annual updates for the program, which is relied upon nationwide to guide land management and fire planning.
The LANDFIRE (LF) program is working to increase the frequency of product releases and to reduce the latency of the LF products by producing annual version releases that reflect data less than one year behind current conditions and represent data conditions homologous to the growth that one would expect in areas of change/disturbances up to the year when the products are delivered. To reach this annual update goal, LF is taking several transition steps. The first step in this transition is a project called "LF 2019L" (LF update version 2019 Limited). The LF 2019L product includes changes/disturbances that occurred since the completion of LF 2016, including the years of 2017, 2018, and 2019. The "L" indicates that this is a "Limited" data set, as LF 2019L focuses on updating areas of disturbance for the listed years. The non-disturbed vegetation will be identical to LF 2016.
Media Record Details
Jun 24, 2021
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Simulation Modeling