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Wildland Firefighter Health
Wildland firefighters (WLFFs) perform in adverse environments making rapid adjustments to dietary needs. The National Mobile Food Services (NMFS) contract details WLFF dietary provisions on wildfire incidents.
Objective: Determine the nutrient content of food and drink provided to and consumed by WLFFs under the NMFS contract.
Methods: Individual (n = 122) dietary provisions and consumption was recorded during 1 workday. Nutritional analysis of items provided was compared with consumption and the recommended dietary allowance (RDA).
Results: WLFFs consumed significantly (P < 0.05) fewer macronutrients than provided for calories, protein, and fat. Provided and consumed micronutrients were below the RDA for vitamins D and E, magnesium, and manganese.
Conclusion: Most dietary recommendations were met by NMFS provisions. Next steps include WLFF nutrition education to improve consumption and contract revisions to meet micronutrient recommendations.
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