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Sunniva Bloem, Alison Cullen, John T. Abatzoglou, Linda Mearns, Erin J. Belval
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Management Approaches

NRFSN number: 26400
FRAMES RCS number: 69148
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Background: The rising occurrence of simultaneous large wildfires has put strain on United States national fire management capacity leading to increasing reliance on assistance from partner nations abroad. However, limited analysis exists on international resource-sharing patterns and the factors influencing when resources are requested and deployed.

Aims: This study examines the drivers of international fire management ground and overhead personnel deployed to the United States.

Methods: Using descriptive statistics and case examples data from 2008 to 2020, this study investigates the conditions under which international personnel are deployed to the United States and their relationship to domestic resource strain. Factors such as fire weather, fire simultaneity, and the impact on people and structures are analysed as potential drivers of demand for international resources. Additionally, barriers to resource sharing, including overlapping fire seasons between countries are examined.

Key results: The findings indicate that international personnel sharing is more likely when the United States reaches higher preparedness levels, experiences larger area burned, and when fires pose a greater impact on people and structures. However, overlapping fire seasons can limit the ability to share resources with partner nations.

Conclusions and implications: Understanding the factors influencing resource sharing can help improve collaboration efforts and enhance preparedness for future wildfire seasons.


Bloem, Sunniva; Cullen, Alison C.; Abatzoglou, John T.; Mearns, Linda O.; Belval, Erin. 2024. Drivers of international fire management personnel deployed to the United States. International Journal of Wildland Fire 33:WF23093.

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