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Liubov Volkova, María Elena Fernández
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Cataloging Information

Fire Behavior
Simulation Modeling
Fire Ecology
Fire Effects

NRFSN number: 26418
FRAMES RCS number: 69060
Record updated:

Fire is an important component of many forest ecosystems, yet climate change is now modifying fire regimes all over the world, driving a need to understand the impact of fires on the physical and biological processes. In 2022, Elsevier launched a Special Collection that spanned across several journals, inviting papers under the theme of fires. Here we summarize the articles published in this collection, considering them to be broadly grouped into following themes: impact of fires on flora and fauna, fire modelling, and reshaping forest landscapes.


Volkova, Liubov; Fernández, María Elena. 2024. Editorial overview to the special issue 'wildfires in a changing world'. Forest Ecology and Management 556:121727.

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