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Kirsten Healey, Sharon M. Hood, Justin S. Crotteau, Cory Cleveland
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Mechanical treatments
Prescribed Fire-use treatments

NRFSN number: 26477
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Scientists have spent decades trying to understand how to best promote resilient forests and reduce fuels. A golden endeavor certainly. Is the best approach using a series of prescribed burns? Or is it mechanically cutting trees? Or does the additive effect of both cutting and burning provide the best alchemy?


Healey, Kirsten; Hood, Sharon; Crotteau, Justin; Cleveland, Cory. 2024. The alchemy of addition: Cutting and burning together most effective in reducing fuels and improving forest resilience. Science You Can Use (in 5 Minutes), June 2024. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2 p.

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