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While no landscape is static, renowned landscape ecologist Monica Turner, along with her students and colleagues, have spent decades documenting shifts both subtle and significant to the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, homing in on the effects of a climate changing due to human influence. Now, they’re using this wealth of data to predict the future, forecasting changes that may surprise the people who have come to love the Greater Yellowstone of today. This project is part of a deliverable for the Camp Monaco Prize which Turner was awarded in 2019 in recognition of her decades of research in Greater Yellowstone and efforts to communicate that work with the public. Produced by University Communications at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Copyright 2023, The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System.

Media Record Details

Dec 7, 2023
Monica G. Turner

Cataloging Information

Fire Communication & Education
Fire & Climate

NRFSN number: 26527
Record updated: