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Kari Gunderson, Alan E. Watson
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Fire Communication & Education
Public Perspectives of Fire Management
Fire & Wilderness
Human Dimensions of Fire Management

NRFSN number: 7934
FRAMES RCS number: 4172
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Information about human relationships with wilderness is important for wilderness management decisions, including decisions pertaining to the use of wildland fire. In a study about meanings attached to a national forest, local residents were asked to identify places they valued on the forest, why they valued them, and how fuel treatments affected those values. Local residents attach many meanings to the wilderness part of the landscape and they have opinions about the use of wildland fire as a fuel treatment there. Understanding the meanings humans attach to wilderness and how influences their perceptions of fire and fuels management there can help managers anticipate public response to planned activities.


Gunderson, Kari; Watson, Alan E. 2006. Understanding place meanings on the Bitterroot National Forest - A landscape-level assessment of personal and community values. International Journal of Wilderness. 12(1): 27-31.

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