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Fire & Economics
Fuel Treatments & Effects
Fuel Treatments & Effects
Montane dry mixed-conifer forest, Ponderosa pine woodland/savanna
NRFSN number: 11177
FRAMES RCS number: 5592
Record updated:
This work was undertaken under a joint fire science project 'Assessing the need, costs, and potential benefits of prescribed fire and mechanical treatments to reduce fire hazard.' This paper compares the future mix of timber products under two treatment scenarios for the state of Montana. We developed and demonstrated an analytical method that uses readily available tools to evaluate pre- and posttreatment stand conditions; size, species, and volume of merchantable wood removed during thinnings; size and volume of submerchantable wood cut during treatments; and financial returns of prescriptions that are applied repeatedly over a 90-year period.
Barbour, R. James; Fight, Roger D.; Christensen, Glenn A.; Pinjuv, Guy L.; Nagubadi, Rao V. 2004. Thinning and prescribed fire and projected trends in wood product potential, financial return, and fire hazard in Montana. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-606. Portland, OR: USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 78 p.