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Anne E. Black, Brooke Baldauf McBride
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Human Dimensions of Fire Management
High Reliability Organizing

NRFSN number: 12444
FRAMES RCS number: 15700
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In an effort to improve organizational outcomes, including safety, in wildland fire management, researchers and practitioners have turned to a domain of research on organizational performance known as High Reliability Organizing (HRO). The HRO paradigm emerged in the late 1980s in an effort to identify commonalities among organizations that function under hazardous conditions but experience fewer than their fair share of adverse events (see for instance: Klein and others 1995; Weick and others 1999; Weick and Sutcliffe 2001; Sutcliffe 2011).


Black, Anne E.; McBride, Brooke Baldauf. 2013. Assessing high reliability practices in wildland fire management: an exploration and benchmarking of organizational culture. Res. Note RMRS-RN-55. Fort Collins, CO: USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 17 p.

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