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Alexander M. Evans, Rick G. Everett, Scott L. Stephens, James A. Youtz
Year Published:

Cataloging Information

Fuel Treatments & Effects
Mechanical treatments
Prescribed Fire-use treatments
Management Approaches
Recovery after fire
Montane dry mixed-conifer forest, Aspen woodland, Ponderosa pine woodland/savanna

NRFSN number: 12630
FRAMES RCS number: 10746
Record updated:

The goal of this guide is to provide a resource for managers of mixed conifer forests of the Southwestern plateaus and uplands, the Central and Southern Rocky Mountains, the Sierra Nevada, and the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges in Southern California. Mixed conifer forests have different species, structures, and spatial patterns in these regions but, in general, we focus on forests with a mix of ponderosa or Jeffrey pine, Douglas-fir, true firs, and aspen. The guide includes a comprehensive review of historic conditions, past land use, natural fire regimes, impacts of altered fire regimes, and future prospects, given climate change, for mixed conifer forests. The second half of the guide addresses fuels treatment objectives, techniques, barriers, and successes across a range of ownerships.


Evans, Alexander M.; Everett , Rick G.; Stephens , Scott L.; Youtz, James A. 2011. Comprehensive fuels treatment practices guide for mixed conifer forests: California, central and southern Rockies, and the Southwest. Santa Fe, NM: Forest Guild. 106 p.

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