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Theresa B. Jain
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Fuel Treatments & Effects
Mechanical treatments

NRFSN number: 12912
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A research silviculturist's work is firmly grounded in the scientific method to acquire knowledge on forest dynamics. They also integrate information from numerous sources to produce new knowledge not readily identified by single studies. Results and interpretation subsequently provide the scientific foundation for developing management decisions and strategies. The results from scientific investigations are documented in manuscripts, monographs, and reports. The art of silviculture is developed through talent, curiosity, and personal experience, and from a crossgenerational connection between scientists; but it also contains a vision and passion toward understanding how forests grow and how to manage them to meet human needs. In the northern Rocky Mountains, the legacy of many generations guided the advancement of silviculture research, beginning with John Leiberg in 1899.


Jain, Theresa B. 2013 Silviculture research: The intersection of science and art across generations. Western Forester. September/October: 8-9.