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Ecological - First Order
Ecological - Second Order
Post-fire Management
Recovery after fire
The greater sage-grouse is at the center of a complex challenge to conserve sagebrush ecosystems. The species has declined across much of its range, including 11 western states and 2 Canadian provinces, mostly due to loss of critical sagebrush habitat. Agriculture, roads, development of energy resources, wildfire, and invasive plants threaten sage-grouse habitat. Longer term consequences are predicted due to climate change. USGS ecologist Steve Knick and Idaho Fish and Game scientist John Connelly edited a new book describing sage-grouse ecology and conservation and its sagebrush habitat. Thirty-eight scientists from federal, state, and nongovernmental organizations collaborated to synthesize their research findings and reviews of existing information in the comprehensive publication. The book provides an understanding of greater sage-grouse distribution, biology, behavior, population dynamics, and requirements for sagebrush. It also includes extensive details about the characteristics and dynamics of sagebrush systems and the land uses that influence them.
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