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In this field guide, I use a “systems approach” to aspen ecology and management. We have learned much, though perhaps not adequately communicated, about varying aspen types around our region (Rogers et al. 2014). For example, what new information is available about fire behavior in aspen, and how might we best apply that knowledge best be applied to forest management practices? Or why do aspen forests vary in their contribution to wildlife management and landscape biodiversity? Are we as land managers making informed decisions about stewardship with processes in mind or working against ecosystem function, which controls such processes? Our driving paradigm in contemporary land management is to first understand, then emulate (to the degree possible), ecosystem function. In terms of western aspen, this means using the best available science and pairing it with local experience. Where there are knowledge gaps, often field monitoring and experimentation are required to move forward. These ideas are not necessarily new, though their application in widely varying quaking aspen communities provides novel opportunities for effective management. One key tactic is agency investment in “learning by doing,” which will be required to adapt to the dynamic institutional and ecological conditions expected.
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