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Anping Chen, Richard A. Birdsey
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Fire Regime
Climate and Fire Regime Change
Fire & Climate

NRFSN number: 17024
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Wildland fire is a disturbance that can profoundly impact the environment and human health and welfare. While climate is generally a critical driving factor shaping the occurrence and impacts of fire, fire can also play a role in shaping climate. With an increasing trend in wildland fire occurrence and extent, it is important to understand how this change might influence climate.

The attached report fulfills the requirements of the interagency agreement to review the literature on climate and fire regimes and prepare a review paper for publication in an appropriate scientific journal.


Chen A, Birdsey R. 2017. Potential Climate Feedbacks of Changing Fire regimes in the U.S.: A review. Joint Fire Science Project 16-S-01-2. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University. 59 p.

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