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Timothy J. Curran, George L.W. Perry, Sarah V. Wyse, Md Azharul Alam
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Wildland Urban Interface

NRFSN number: 17110
FRAMES RCS number: 25562
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In the wildland-urban interface, the imperative is often to protect life and property from destructive fires, while also conserving biodiversity. One potential tool for achieving this goal is the use of green firebreaks: strips of low flammability species planted at strategic locations to help reduce fire spread by slowing or stopping the fire front, extinguishing embers or blocking radiant heat. If comprised of native species, green firebreaks also have biodiversity benefits. Green firebreaks have been recommended for use throughout the world, including the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australasia. However, despite this widespread endorsement, there has been little empirical testing of green firebreaks, particularly with field experiments. This knowledge gap needs addressing. Green firebreaks should be considered as part of the revegetation strategy following recent extensive wildfires in places such as New Zealand and Chile.


Curran, Timothy J.; Perry, George L. W.; Wyse, Sarah V.; Alam, Md Azharul. 2017. Managing fire and biodiversity in the wildland-urban interface: a role for green firebreaks. Fire 1(1):3.

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