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Uldis Silins, Monica B. Emelko, Kevin D. Bladon
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Fire Effects
Ecological - Second Order
Post-fire Management
Salvage Logging

NRFSN number: 17441
TTRS number: 24355
Record updated:

In 2003, the Lost Creek fire burned 21,000 ha of nearly contiguous crown land forests in the headwater regions of the Oldman River Basin, Alberta. Seven small watersheds with various levels of land disturbance (burned, post-fire salvage logged, unburned) were instrumented and monitored for four years to measure stream discharge, sediment concentration, and sediment yields for a range of dominant flow periods characteristic of the region (baseflow, spring melt, and stormflow). Stream discharges reflected runoff regimes consistent with high regional precipitation and the high relief physiographic setting of the study area. Suspended sediment concentrations and yields were significantly higher in both burned and post-fire salvage logged watersheds than in unburned watersheds and were strongly influenced by topographic and hydro-climatic controls. Sediment availability was much higher in both the burned and post-fire salvage logged watersheds but it varied strongly with flow condition, particularly during the snowmelt freshet and high flow events. Because of increases in wildfire frequency and severity over recent decades, understanding the range of impacts from both wildfire and post-disturbance management strategies such as salvage logging is likely to become increasingly important for land managers.


Silins U, Stone M, Emelko MB, Bladon KD, 2009. Sediment production following severe wildfire and post-fire salvage logging in the Rocky Mountain headwaters of the Oldman River Basin, Alberta. Catena 79(3): 189-197. DOI ยท 10.1016/j.catena.2009.04.001

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