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David B. Lindenmayer, D. R. Foster, Jerry F. Franklin, M. L. Hunter, Reed F. Noss, Fiona K. A. Schmiegelow, David A. Perry
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Post-fire Management
Salvage Logging

NRFSN number: 17453
Record updated:

The [authors][1] of this Policy Forum examine a range of issues associated with salvage harvesting policies after major natural disturbances such as fire, windstorms, and volcanic eruptions. Although natural disturbances can have important benefits for ecosystems, salvage harvesting can have major negative impacts on ecosystem recovery, the persistence of elements of biota, and the maintenance of key ecological processes. Better informed policies are needed to guide where, when, how, and if salvage harvesting takes place. [1]:


Lindenmayer DB, Foster DR, Franklin JF, Hunter ML, Noss RF, Schmiegelow FA, Perry D. 2004. Salvage harvesting policies after natural disturbance. Science 303 (5662):1303. DOI ยท 10.1126/science.1093438

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