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S. Karen Dante-Wood
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Fire History

NRFSN number: 17515
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The Northern Rockies Adaptation Partnership (NRAP) includes diverse landscapes, ranging from high mountains to grasslands, from alpine glaciers to broad rivers (fig. 1.1). This region, once inhabited solely by Native Americans, has been altered by two centuries of settlement by Euro- Americans through extractive practices such as timber harvest, grazing, and mining, water diversions, and other activities. Although relatively little urbanization is present in this region, paved and unpaved roads and electrical transmission wires permeate much of the landscape. Federal agencies own and manage a significant portion of the Northern Rockies, including 15 national forests and 3 national parks.


Dante-Wood S. 2018. Biogeographic, cultural, and historical setting of the Northern Rocky Mountains [Chapter 2]. In: Halofsky, Jessica E.; Peterson, David L.; Dante-Wood, S. Karen; Hoang, Linh; Ho, Joanne J.; Joyce, Linda A., eds. 2018. Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in the Northern Rocky Mountains - Part 1. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-374. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. p. 16-27.