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Year Published:
Robin J. Innes, Janet L. Fryer

Cataloging Information

Fire Effects
Ecological - Second Order
Fire & Wildlife

NRFSN number: 18267
Record updated:

This document summarizes information from a project at Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Oregon, that studied the effects of prescribed fires on important foods of prelaying greater sage-grouse females and chicks. As of 2007, prescribed fire is no longer used in sagebrush communities on this refuge in order to preserve existing sagebrush habitat for greater sage-grouse and to reduce spread of cheatgrass, a nonnative annual grass [8]. This summary: •provides concise information about the effects of particular fire treatments on a Wyoming big sagebrush community and •supplements FEIS reviews of individual species with detailed information on specific treatments in southeastern Oregon. Studies summarized in FEIS Research Project Summaries are selected based on their integration of fire effects information with relatively complete descriptions of burned and unburned vegetation, burning conditions, fire weather, and fire behavior.


Innes, Robin J.; Fryer, Janet L., compilers. 2016. Research Project Summary: Short-term effects of early fall prescribed fire on herbaceous species and arthropods important in the diet of greater sage-grouse in Wyoming big sagebrush habitats. In: Fire Effects Information System, [Online]. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Missoula Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer).

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