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Frederick J. Swanson
Year Published:
Harold A. Mooney, T. M. Christensen, James E. Lotan, William A. Reiners

Cataloging Information

Fire Effects
Ecological - Second Order
Post-fire Management
Post-fire Rehabilitation
Erosion Control

NRFSN number: 18669
FRAMES RCS number: 3073
TTRS number: 1692
Record updated:

Fire, geomorphic processes, and landforms interact to determine natural patterns of ecosystems over landscapes. Fire alters vegetation and soil properties which change soil and sediment movement through watersheds. Landforms affect fire behavior and form firebreaks which determine burn boundaries. Geomorphic consequences of fire in a landscape-ecosystem type are determined by (a) characteristics of the fire regime, mainly frequency and intensity; and (b) geomorphic sensitivity or erodibility of the landscape.


Swanson FJ. 1981. Fire and geomorphic processes. Pages 401-420. In: Mooney HA, Christensen TM, Lotan JE, and Reiners WA, Fire Regimes and Ecosystem Properties: Proceedings of the Conference. General Technical Report WO-GTR-26. Washington, D.C.: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.

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