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Lee E. Benda, Terrance W. Cundy
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Post-fire Management
Post-fire Rehabilitation
Erosion Control

NRFSN number: 18702
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An empirical model for predicting deposition of coarse-textured debris flows in confined mountain channels is developed based on field measurements of 14 debris flows in the Pacific Northwest, U.S.A. The model uses two criteria for deposition: channel slope (less than 3.5°) and tributary junction angle (greater than 70°). The model is tested by predicting travel distances of 15 debris flows in the Oregon Coast Range and six debris flows in the Washington Cascades, U.S.A. The model is further tested on 44 debris flows in two lithological types in the Oregon Coast Range using aerial photos and topographic maps; on these flows only the approximate travel distance is known. The model can be used by resource professionals to identify the potential for impacts from debris flows. Key words: debris flow, deposition, travel, erosion.


Benda LE, and Cundy TW. 1990. Predicting deposition of debris flows in mountain channels. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 27(4):409-417.

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