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Daniel Moya, Giacomo Certini, Peter Z. Fule
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Hot Topic(s):
Human Dimensions of Fire Management
Decisionmaking & Sensemaking
Post-fire Management
Recovery after fire
Wildland Urban Interface

NRFSN number: 19869
FRAMES RCS number: 58307
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Fire is an ecological factor in ecosystems around the world, made increasingly more critical by unprecedented shifts in climate and human population pressure. The knowledge gradually acquired on the subject is needed to improve fire behaviour understanding and to enhance fire management decision-making. This issue (Volume 28, issue 7, International Journal of Wildland Fire) is Part 2 of a special issue aimed at synthesising ongoing research on preventive management and post-fire restoration, including characterisation of the wildland–urban interface (WUI) and assessing the post-fire restoration of wilderness and WUI areas. Landscape management was also investigated using remote sensing techniques and simulation modelling to improve ecosystem resilience. As in Part 1 (Volume 28, issue 5, International Journal of Wildland Fire), the current issue covers diverse forest settings under scenarios of changing climate and land use. The broad geographical range of these studies highlights key similarities of wildfire issues around the world, but detailed data show unique local circumstances that must be considered. The new information from these six papers helps advance fire ecology and management during a period of rapid change.


Moya, Daniel; Certini, Giacomo; Fulé, Peter Z. 2019. Fire regime and ecosystem responses: adaptive forest management in a changing world (Part 2). International Journal of Wildland Fire 28(7):471-472.

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