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Fire is a form all of its own, but a simple way to understand fire is as a swarm. A swarm of bees. Or starlings. Or mosquitos. A spreading fire is a swarm of ignitions, a series of small fires over and over. Season 4 of Forestcast is a series of fires, a series of voices. It’s a 360-degree view of fire from a scientific standpoint. The story of how fire research shapes our landscapes, and our lives. Through kaleidoscoping voices from across the country, listeners will be taken inside the largest forest research organization in the world to hear from seventeen scientists on what they know, and don’t know, about one of the most complex elements in nature—fire. In episode one, hear from research mechanical engineer, Sara McAllister, on the process of ignition; spatial fire analyst, Greg Dillon, on the timeline of fire management and research in the Forest Service; and research forester, Dan Dey, on the history of fire: where it was, where it’s been, and what can be done knowing its history?

This media record is part of a series:


What started as a podcast produced by the Northern Research Station focusing on forest research within the Northeast and Midwest has now expanded to cover a wide range of topics from across the USDA Forest Service Research and Development branch. In each episode you'll hear stories, interviews, and special in-depth anthologies of the research that is studying, questioning, and solving some of today's most compelling issues. Visit the Forestcast website.

Media Record Details

Apr 10, 2024
Sara S. McAllister, Gregory K. Dillon, Daniel C. Dey

Cataloging Information

Fire Behavior
Fire History
Management Approaches

NRFSN number: 26499
Record updated: