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Kelly Woods visits with Larry Sutton, Jim Cook, and Chris Wilcox to capture their reflections on the 30 years that have passed since the watershed 1994 fire season when the wildland fire community lost 34 firefighters in the line of duty. That season changed the trajectory of the wildland fire program and was a catalyst in the development of many things we take for granted today. Larry, Jim, and Chris provide their perspective on what was happening culturally at that time and as these significant changes began. They also share lessons on how to be an agent of change.

This media record is part of a series:

Wildland Fire Lessons Learned

Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center hosts a podcast to discuss lessons and organizational learning.

Media Record Details

Jun 10, 2024
Kelly Woods, Larry Sutton, Jim Cook, Chris Wilcox

Cataloging Information

Fire History
Crew Dynamics
Human Factors of Firefighter Safety
Human Performance
Organizational Culture & Identity

NRFSN number: 26890
Record updated: