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Leda N. Kobziar, J. Kevin Hiers, Claire M. Belcher, William J. Bond, Carolyn Enquist, E. Louise Loudermilk, Jessica R. Miesel, Joseph O’Brien, Juli G. Pausas, Sharon M. Hood, Robert E. Keane, Penelope Morgan, Melissa R. A. Pingree, Karin Riley, Hugh Safford, Francisco Seijo, J. Morgan Varner, Tamara Wall, Adam C. Watts
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Fire Ecology

NRFSN number: 27039
FRAMES RCS number: 69227
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Fire ecology is a complex discipline that can only be understood by integrating biological, physical, and social sciences. The science of fire ecology explores wildland fire’s mechanisms and effects across all scales of time and space. However, the lack of defined, organizing concepts in fire ecology dilutes its collective impact on knowledge and management decision-making and makes the discipline vulnerable to misunderstanding and misappropriation. Fire ecology has matured as a discipline and deserves an enunciation of its unique emergent principles of organization. Most scientific disciplines have established theories, laws, and principles that have been tested, debated, and adopted by the discipline’s practitioners. Such principles reflect the consensus of current knowledge, guide methodology and interpretation, and expose knowledge gaps in a coherent and structured way. In this manuscript, we introduce five comprehensive principles to define the knowledge fire ecology has produced and provide a framework to support the continued development and impact of the fire ecology discipline.


Kobziar, Leda N.; Hiers, J. Kevin; Belcher, Claire M.; Bond, William J.; Enquist, Carolyn A.; Loudermilk, E. L.; Miesel, Jessica R.; O’Brien, Joseph J.; Pausas, Juli G.; Hood, Sharon; Keane, Robert; Morgan, Penelope; Pingree, Melissa R. A.; Riley, Karin; Safford, Hugh; Seijo, Francisco; Varner, J. Morgan; Wall, Tamara; Watts, Adam C. 2024. Principles of fire ecology. Fire Ecology. 20(1): 179-.

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