In this episode of 'In the Woods,' hosted by Steve Fitzgerald, the podcast delves into the story of Kate McMichael and Teresa Hauser, who own and manage Elk Ridge Tree Farm. The episode explores their journey from purchasing their property in Oregon, learning forest management from scratch, facing the aftermath of wildfires, conducting salvage harvests, and eventually starting their own seedling nursery. The episode includes practical advice on forest management and highlights the importance of community and continuous learning for forest landowners.
This media record is part of a series:
In the Woods
“In the Woods” is a monthly podcast series brought to you by the Oregon State University Forestry & Natural Resources Extension program. This podcast brings the forest to listeners by sharing the stories and interviews of forest scientists, land managers, and enthusiastic members of the public. Each month we will bring you research and science-based information on a new topic related to forests that aims to offer some insight into what we know and are still learning about forest science and management. For more information:
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