Feb 27 2023, 1 - 2pm
Introduction to SCIENCEx Fire Week, brief overview | Jens Stevens
Indigenous fire stewardship and cultural burning | Frank Lake
Fire exclusion and western forest change | Eric Knapp
A history of fire in the eastern US: How humans modified fire…
Feb 28 2023, 12 - 1pm
Fire weather forecasting | Brian Potter
New technologies for monitoring smoke impacts | Shawn Urbanski
Smoke plume dynamics | Scott Goodrick
Mar 1 2023, 12 - 1pm
Wildland fire behavior and ignition | Sara McAllister
3D, time dependent, fire behavior models: What they do and the need for observational datasets | Ruddy Mell
Fire Behavior Assessment Team (FBAT) and wildfire monitoring | Matt Dickinson
Mar 2 2023, 12 - 1pm
Delivering wildfire risk information targeted to the community level | Greg Dillon
Juggling risks and trade offs toward a more resilient future: The known, unknown, unknowable, and the unpleasant | Pat Manley and Nick Povak
Southern Research…
Mar 3 2023, 12 - 1pm
Historical and future fire in temperate rainforest of the Pacific Northwest | Matt Reilly
Southern forest outlook: Fire chapter highlights | Danny Lee
Geographically & topically integrated wrap-up | Jens Stevens
Jan 16 2025, 11am - 12:30pm
"The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated with the Wildfire Crisis Strategy and beyond. The SCIENCEx Fire panel…
Jan 23 2025, 11am - 12:30pm
"The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated with the Wildfire Crisis Strategy and beyond. The SCIENCEx Fire panel…
Jan 30 2025, 11am - 12:30pm
"The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated with the Wildfire Crisis Strategy and beyond. The SCIENCEx Fire panel…
Feb 6 2025, 11am - 12:30pm
"The USDA Forest Service Research and Development is proud to host a series of SCIENCEx Fire panel discussions intended for fire, fuels and land managers on topics associated with the Wildfire Crisis Strategy and beyond. The SCIENCEx Fire panel…