- Wildland fire behavior and ignition | Sara McAllister
- 3D, time dependent, fire behavior models: What they do and the need for observational datasets | Ruddy Mell
- Fire Behavior Assessment Team (FBAT) and wildfire monitoring | Matt Dickinson
This event is part of a series:
The SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across U.S. Forest Service research stations and beyond to explore the latest science and best practices for addressing large natural resource challenges across the country.
These webinars will be primarily management focused, but with applicability for participants from across sectors. The Forest Service Research and Development SCIENCEx webinar series brings together scientists and land management experts from across the U.S. Forest Service and beyond to explore the latest science. Fire is our theme for this SCIENCEx series and will include presentations by Rocky Mountain Research Station scientists among others. Pre-registration is required, for more information visit the SCIENCEx webinar page.