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The Crown Managers Partnership partnered with the Northern Rockies Fire Science Network and others to bring you the 2021 Fire in the Crown of the Continent Forum, which was held virtually from March 22nd to March 26th.

The Crown Managers Partnership is a multi-jurisdictional partnership among federal, state, provincial, tribal, and first nation agency managers and universities in Montana, Alberta, and British Columbia. Annual forums facilitate networking opportunities, build collaboration, and deepen understanding of common issues in the Crown of the Continent Ecosystem.

View the Forum Report (in the Files block) with summaries from presentations and special sessions (published November 2021).

Study area was the 2003 Strawberry Hill Wildfire. This area was aerially seeded using Kamloops blue tag mix – the seed mixes…

After fires there is concern about ash, fire debris, flooding, “emergency” sediment. These effects are catastrophic, but…

Whitebark Pine is above 1500m, poor competitor, long lived. It has cultural and ecological value. Limber Pine is found from…

Issues in southwest Alberta are the same issues everywhere where there has been settlement and traditional ways have been…

Managing wildfires for benefit creates resilient ecosystems and we need more research on a landscape level regarding…

Applications for Wildfire Decision support include IFTDSS and WFDSS IFTDSS – used by entities to complete NEPA reports,…

Forests in the US northern Rockies have been resilient to fire – even large and severe fires (ie. 1988 Yellowstone Fires)…

Dry forest restoration typically uses a suite of treatments – conventional harvesting, prescribed fire, slashing/spacing…

How smoke affects community

Barriers to use of prescribed and wildfire Fire management is a social process. Social dynamics determine what we value and…

Observations and myths about public perceptions of fire and fire management Beware of the imagined public – many of the…

Fire With Fire: Braiding Indigenous and scientific knowledges of fire management to enhance climate change resilience in…

Lightning is a natural, cleansing process - a rebirth of forest and plants Following the Waterton fires, aspen and trees…

Need more capacity - Not enough burn bosses A unified command structure was successful Systems have strayed so far from the…

As fires burns it creates fuel breaks for future fires. Burn history is really important in determining how fire burns in…

"How systems function historically is a road map for how they will function in the future, but keep in mind we have climate…

Most forested regions continue to experience less fire than expected (fire deficit) Fire surpluses tend to occur in the non-…

Fire history reconstructions show that historical fire regimes in montane forests of southeastern British Columbia were…